1. If 语句:
使用 If 语句执行条件性的代码块。
Dim condition As Boolean = True
@If condition Then
<p>This content is displayed when the condition is true.</p>
<p>This content is displayed when the condition is false.</p>
End If
2. Select Case 语句:
使用 Select Case 语句根据不同的条件执行不同的代码块。
Dim value As String = "B"
Select Case value
Case "A"
<p>Value is A</p>
Case "B"
<p>Value is B</p>
Case Else
<p>Value is neither A nor B</p>
End Select
3. 三元运算符:
使用三元运算符(If(condition, trueValue, falseValue))进行简单的条件赋值。
Dim condition As Boolean = True
Dim result As String = If(condition, "TrueValue", "FalseValue")
4. 逻辑运算符:
Dim condition1 As Boolean = True
Dim condition2 As Boolean = False
@If condition1 AndAlso Not condition2 Then
<p>Both conditions are true.</p>
End If
5. 逻辑操作符 In:
Razor VB 支持使用 In 运算符检查某个值是否包含在集合中。
Dim fruit As String = "Apple"
Dim fruits() As String = {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
@If fruit In fruits Then
<p>@fruit is in the fruit list.</p>
End If
这些是一些 Razor VB 逻辑结构的基本用法。您可以根据需要组合和嵌套这些结构,以便更灵活地控制页面上的动态内容。
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